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Where is Aqua-Rehab based?

Most of our appointments are held at the hydrotherapy pool at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury. Please see our contact section for a location map. We may be able to travel to other, suitable pools if required.

Is there car parking?

Yes. There is a fee for car parking. Spaces for blue badge holders are available outside the Postgraduate Centre (which is nearest to the pool) and at the National Spinal Injuries Centre.

How do I book an appointment?

Please complete our online booking request form or telephone 07570 453336

Do I need to be able to swim?

You do not need to be able to swim to benefit from aquatic therapy. Your head does not go under the water. People with poor water confidence can also benefit as the pool varies in depth and you will only work in an area where you are comfortable.

For some treatments it may be beneficial to lie on your back and floatation devices can be used to support you in a relaxed, comfortable position. The therapists will check how confident you feel in the water and can tailor your treatment programme around you.

How will I enter the pool?

There are stairs with rails either side. If you are unable to manage the stairs then there is a pool hoist that can be used (a chair or a stretcher, depending on needs).

Can anyone attend?

The majority of people can attend aquatic therapy. However, if you have severe heart problems that cause you shortness of breath on land then you will not be admitted into the pool. Other conditions, such as diabetes, respiratory problems, epilepsy, haemophilia, kidney disease, incontinence, a recent Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) or Pulmonary Embolism (PE) etc will prompt the therapist to ask further questions to find out if you can enter the pool at that time.

I am incontinent, can I attend?

Babies and young children must wear neoprene swimming nappies.

If you are incontinent of urine and normally have an indwelling or supra-pubic catheter or use sheath drainage then we recommend that you empty the catheter bag before entering the pool and keep it on whilst you are in the pool.

If you are incontinent of faeces then you may attend the pool if you have a good bowel regime and no frequent accidents. Please do not attend on the day if you are constipated or have loose bowels.

I have been unwell for the past few days, do I still come?

If you have had recent diarrhoea and vomiting within the last 72 hours then please do not come for your appointment.

If you are unwell on the day then please contact us as soon as possible to cancel your appointment.

Do you charge a cancellation fee?

Please see our terms and conditions.

Do I require a referral letter from my GP? Self-funding patients

No referral letter is necessary.

I am an insured patient: What steps must I take?

Check with your medical insurance company first, the majority require a GP or Consultant referral before your first appointment. It is your responsibility to check that your medical insurance covers your condition and you get the necessary authorisation from them prior to receiving any treatment.

What do I need to bring with me?

Swimming Costume



Moving and Handling equipment if required, such as hoist sling or sliding sheet.

Spare leg bag straps or dressings if required.

Any information you have about medication that you are currently taking

Payment for the treatment (cheque or cash) unless it has been arranged to pay via monthly invoice.

I need assistance getting showered and dressed; will you help me with this?

We ask that you bring your own carers with you to assist with transfers, showering and dressing after your treatment. (If you need very minimal assistance, such as putting on your shoes and socks then we will be more than happy to assist with this but please note that we will not be able to leave another client’s treatment session).

Are there showers available?

Yes. Showering and toileting facilities are within the aquatic therapy building. Please shower before entering the pool. Unfortunately, there are no facilities for blow-drying hair as no electricity plug sockets are allowed in the pool area.

What changing facilities are available?

There are some cubicles available suitable for able-bodied clients. There is also a larger changing cubicle with grab rails and a chair with armrests and others with height adjustable plinths (and backrest adjustment if required).

I require a hoist to transfer from my wheelchair, is one available?

A mobile hoist is present in addition to the pool hoist. If you use a loop attachment sling at home then please bring this with you, if not then a sling will be provided.

Can my carer come into the pool with me?

Yes, should training need to be given. This can be discussed with your treating therapist.

Why does the assessment take longer?

In order to establish the problems and decide on the best course of treatment. Once the therapist has assessed you, you can then enter the water and begin your treatment. In some rare circumstances we may need to wait for some information from your GP if we have concerns about any conditions that may not be suitable for treatment in the pool, if any get identified during the assessment then we will give you a land based treatment for that day.

I require a report or letter, is this possible?

Yes, with your consent. There may be a fee for this service